2024-25 Annual Update

As we near the end of the current school year, please take a moment to complete the online Annual Update for your child(ren). We know this request is being made earlier than normal, however, your timely response assists us in planning, staffing, and scheduling for fall.
If you know your child plans to return to the Rolla School District for the 2024-25 school year, please log in to your Parent Portal account, click on “More” in the menu, select “Online Registration”, then “Start” next to the year 2025. See the attached graphic for visual guidance. This process can now be completed on your computer or mobile device.
You will need your Parent Portal login information to complete the Annual Update process for your child(ren). If you have questions about your portal account, please email portal@rolla31.org and our team will assist you. Please allow 24 hours for a response.
Free and reduced lunch applications for the upcoming school year will be available on our website in July.