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"The wellness policy requirement was established by the Child Nutrition and Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Reauthorization Act of 2004 and further strengthened by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Act of 2010 (HHFKA). It requires each LEA participating in the National School Lunch Program, and/or School Breakfast Program to develop a wellness policy." (USDA Food and Nutrition Service, FNS-627, July 2016)

Rolla Public Schools recognizes the relationship between student well-being and student achievement. Therefore the district will provide developmentally appropriate nutritional and physical education as well as opportunities for physical activity to promote optimal student health and academic success of all students. 

Committee Meetings

Next meeting – October 28, 2024; 3:45-4:30 in the RTI confrence Room

Agenda :

  1. Welcome & introduce new members

  2. Review where we left off last year

  3. Pick a focus for this year

  4. Open for comments

Meeting notes